“In Good King Charles’s Golden Days”

Ernest Thesiger as Mr. Rowley/Charles II

Malvern Festival

August 12 - ?, 1939

6 perf

Streatham Hill Theatre, London

April 15 - ?, 1940

8 perf

New Theatre, London

May 9 - June 1, 1940

29 perf


The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, May 24, 1940

“Mr. Ernest Thesiger, here as earlier, is enabled by his many noble words to do far more for the King, though he did not at the first performance remember all those words. But the critic should be humane, if never human; he must make allowances for this major part being imperfectly prepared.  The superfine actor who plays him had to deliver three brand-new parts on three consecutive nights—a dapper-exquisite art-dealer, a petulant hypochondriac at various ages between twenty and ninety, and this highly and Shavianly ratiocinative king who hardly ever leaves the stage and is an unconscionable time a-talking.”

With Eileen Beldon.  Photo: University of Bristol/ArenaPal

The Stage, August 31, 1939

The Spectator,  August 17, 1939

The Sketch, May 22, 1940