“Mary Rose”

Ernest Thesiger as Cameron

Haymarket Theatre, London

April 22, 1920 - February 26, 1921

399 perf


“The study of a Highlander, too, by Mr. Ernest Thesiger, was a perfect piece of character acting.”

“Mr. Ernest Thesiger, who seems to touch nothing he does not adorn, gave a fine rendering of as charming a character as ever came out of the Barrie box - the superstitious, learned, courteous crofter’s son, student of Aberdeen University, temporary boatman and (later) minister.  He did his best, incidentally, by rowing away without casting off, to corroborate the local legend that the queer little island sometimes disappeared.

“Mr. Ernest Thesiger, who takes the part of Cameron, an impecunious young Scotsman who turns boatman during his vacations to earn the  wherewithal for his fees at Aberdeen University, invests his clever character with several subtle touches.  Needless to say, during rehearsal, the Scottish accent presented considerable difficulty to Mr. Thesiger, but this he overcame by becoming the ‘pupil’ of a friend’s potman who had recently been imported from Skye.  The pair took daily walks together and by exercising his wonderful powers of mimicry the actor soon mastered the Doric.”

Aberdeen Journal, April 23, 1920

Punch, Volume 158, April 28, 1920

Dundee Courier, September 15, 1920

Pan, May 15, 1920

The Sketch, June 16, 1920

“In this scene Mary Rose and Simon, to whom she is married, during the course of a Highland tour, cross over to the island.  Their boatman, Cameron, is an admirable character study, embodying all the dreaminess and practicalness of the Highlander, and beautifully played by Mr. Ernest Thesiger.”

The Sphere, November 6, 1920

“Cameron, now a middle-aged, bearded man, brings back Mary Rose after her disappearance on the island.  After twenty-five years she comes back as youthful and fresh as before, and cannot understand why everybody has changed.  Her mother and father (Miss Mary Jerrold and Mr. Norman Forbes) greet her with subdued fear.”

with Norman Forbes

The Graphic, November 6, 1920